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How was the site accessed?


ARIA rules have been implemented that help to interpret the site's content in a more accurate and better way.
Add textual descriptions to every image and icon on the site for assistive technologies.
You can use the keyboard to navigate the site: use the Tab button, as each click on it will take you to the next link. Pressing Shift + Tab will return you to the previous link. Changing the font size is done using the keyboard, to increase the font press the ctrl + keys, to decrease the font press the ctrl - keys.

The Israel Taxis website aims to provide a maximum user experience for the general public and the disabled in particular. Many efforts have been invested in order to enable, facilitate and optimize the use of this website with an emphasis on the needs of this public. The accessibility adjustments on the website were made in accordance with Regulation 35 of the Regulations on Equal Rights for Persons with Disabilities (Service Accessibility Adjustments) 2013, to the Israeli standard TI 5568 based on the 2.0 WCAG guidelines for level AA and subject to the changes and adjustments made in the Israeli standard document.

Did you encounter a problem? Tell us about it!


We try to keep and maintain the site at the best level. If you have found or encountered difficulties browsing the site, we will be happy to hear about it by e-mail at

The accessibility statement was last updated on 06/18/2024.

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